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12 Best Replica Online Sites To Buy Fake Stuff 2024 (Fake Designer Websites)

by Jenny Xiao 14 Jul 2024
Best Replica Online Sites To Buy Fake Stuff

Ever look at all these Instagram profiles and wonder how can people afford these many branded clothes and designer shoes and bags to go along with it? Well, my findings tell me that they buy replica stuff from online wholesale sellers who sell it to their niche audiences at massively slashed prices. 

Below you’ll find a collection of 12 best knock off brands websites where you can buy fake stuff from. Be it a bag, a dress you’ve been wanting for a long time, or a belt to match your outfit.  Continue reading to find the perfect replica of what’s been hiding on your wish list.

Looking for the best place to find fake designer clothes online?

There are a lot of shady sellers with the .cn or .ru domains that deal with this. There's a lot of scamming happening there. Dhgate is still in my opinion one of the best for fake designer clothing. You can check out reddit threads too and they'll recommend the same. The problem with 3rd party, non-marketplace sellers is the number of people involved and the hidden identity of the seller in some cases. Dhgate is your best option!

Replica Online Wholesalers Sites to Buy Fake Stuff Known For Based In
Alibaba Replica Clothing; Bags; Dresses; Costumes China
DHgate Fake Designer Shirts; Jeans; Sneakers, Replica Bags China
AliExpress High Quality Replica Clothes; Replica Shoes   China
Global Sources Replica Bags; Fake Accessories China
FashionTIY Replica Clothes; Replica Fashion jewelry China
Dolabuy Replica Designer Shoes; Designer Handbag Clones Hong Kong Replica Sneakers; Fake Designer Belts China
Wholesale Clearance Wholesale Replica Dresses; Belts; Designer Sneakers UK
Wish Cheap Replica Electronic Devices; Replica Dresses U.S.A
Joom Replica Shoes; Branded Replica Clothes Latvia

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Knock off Websites

Advantages Disadvantages
Products are of high quality and are readily available Have to choose the sellers carefully
Prices are affordable Some products might have design flaws
Some sites offer wholesale discounts on bulk orders Sites like DHgate require you to enter custom names to pull up replica products
Some of the sellers are easy to communicate with and respond in a timely manner Since the goods are replicas and fakes, you have to check your countries import policies beforehand
You can make a profit off selling replica products you bought from these wholesale websites

Best Replica Websites


alibaba replica stuff

Don't Underestimate Alibaba. Alibaba has a lot of these knock off brands. If Alibaba doesn’t make it to this list, I’m not sure what can be. Alibaba is one of the best places to land if you’re looking to buy fake stuff on a wholesale basis. The goods are as real as they can be and the price is soft on your pockets. Taobao, a registered Alibaba seller is one of the biggest players on Alibaba to sell fake and replica products.

alibaba replica fake stuff

Most of the sellers are from China, but the wholesale goods are shipped across the world. They accept various payment methods such as a letter of credit, T/T, Western Union, electronic check payment, PayPal, credit card, Master Card, and VISA.


  • Vast collection of replica items available
  • Products are affordable and cheap
  • Alibaba is available as a desktop website and a mobile application
  • You can buy samples before placing a large order.


  • Have to choose the seller appropriately
  • Delivery times are a little slow since goods are shipped from China

Known For

  • Replica Bags
  • Cheap 1:1 Replica Shoes
  • Cheap Electronics
  • Designer Clothes Copies 


dhgate replica products

The business model adopted by DHGate is similar to that of Alibaba. Typically, the DHGate suppliers don’t pose a high quantity order, so you may also think of this site as a wholesale and retail platform. Dhgate is one of the top Fake Designer Website. From North face replicas to Patagonia replicas, Dhgate has everything.

You have to be clever to shop from these sites especially when you’re looking for something particular. This wholesale replica site does not list the actual brand names, but upon actually visiting the review section, you’ll find that the products look like the original. In cases of confusion, always feel free to contact the seller. Dhgate is honestly one of the best places to buy fake designer clothes online and you'll find things like tracksuits from Dolce & Gabbana, LV leggings and so on.

Dhgate can be considered the premier designer replicas website because of the luxury goods that you get such as Gucci, LV reps, Chanel reps & more.

dhgate replica fake stuff

The wholesale replica sellers on Dhgate has cumulatively have over 40 million products listed. Feel free to peruse at your convenience. 


  • Sellers are responsive
  • Wide range of different replica products
  • Site is easy to navigate


  • Have to search for genuine sellers
  • Difficult to find the right product as the names are custom

Known For

  • Designer Replica Handbags
  • Replica Shoes and Sneakers
  • Replica Streetwear


aliexpress cheap items

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to ebay, AliExpress is a great pitstop. Over here you’ll find the best replica products ranging from mobile phones and electronics to fashion accessories in a wholesale quantity. You’ll find all the fake bags you were looking for to finish your collection. You can buy a few of the fake brands online on Aliexpress, but a lot of it has been clamped down over the years.

aliexpress replica fake stuff

AliExpress is an umbrella platform for large and wholesale sellers. If you’re looking to start a wholesale business, this is a great place to source your replica products from.


  •  Orders are delivered in a timely manner
  • The site offers a buyer protection guarantee
  • Wholesale products are made from high quality materials
  • Site hosts authentic and original designs as well


  • Have to search for genuine sellers
  • May be some quality issues with some of the products

Known For

  • Replica and Branded Electronic Devices
  • Designer Shoes Copies
  • Fake Designer Apparel & Accessories
  • Replica Designer Jewelry


wish replica products

Wish is an American based online platform where you can buy wholesale and bulk products for extremely cheap prices. While the overall quality of the goods available here is not that great, the products make good value for money and some high end copies even come with their branding and appropriate tags in place to pass off as an original item.

Wish is much like an American version of AliExpress and you can find a wide variety of replica products and goods available here. Some of their most popular items are tech related gadgets and summer wear for women and men.


  • Website is well known
  • Most products are of good quality
  • Sellers accept wholesale orders
  • Loads of discounts and deals


  • Selection of branded replicas is rather low
  • Some products may be made from low quality materials

Known For

  • Cheap Replica Electronics
  • Replica Handbags
  • 1:1 Designer Shoes


joom replica products

Joom has been around for over 6 years and is based in Latvia with their central logistics division located in Hong Kong granting them easy access to hundreds of Chinese sellers. Joom ships around the world and have tons of different products to choose from including replica bags, replica shoes and even some designer replica dresses and shirts. 

joom replica fake stuff

The cost of the products sold on Joom are quite affordable and the overall quality of the finished goods is brilliant, coupled with the fact that they offer super quick delivery makes them a great choice for buying wholesale products.


  • Joom offers loads of high quality products at discounted prices
  • Website is easy to navigate


  • Have to contact the seller for bulk orders

Known For

  • Replica Handbags
  • Designer Clone Watches
  • Branded Shoes Copies


bags heaven cheap stuff

Fake bags that you buy online might sometimes actually look fake in comparison to the original branded bags. Bagsheaven is a dedicated online knock off brands website that sells fake and replica luxury bags that have an uncanny resemblance to the original. They are registered and trustworthy.

Bagsheaven has made its place in the wholesale world after serving a lot of satisfied customers. Their replica handbags are top-notch, down to the very stitch in the inseam and the leather quality visible outside.

bag inc replica


  • High quality replica handbags for cheap
  • Well priced products
  • 1:1 and first copies available


  • Not a vast selection of handbags

Known For

  • Replica Handbags
  • Designer Handbag Copies

Global Sources

global sources replica products

Global sources is a recognized and reputed platform that sells wholesale goods and ensures reliable transactions between B2B agreements. You can buy all sorts of replica products here. The fake bags that I came across seemed unreal. The prices are cheap and hard to ignore. No wonder their wholesale business blew up.

The website is a massive wholesale platform and home to 94 of the 100 topmost reliable wholesale sellers that sell globally. The online wholesale and retail platform did not gain 1,5 million international buyers just like that. Years of satisfied and successful transactions made this happen.


  • Wide range of high quality replicas
  • Prices are rather affordable
  • Timely shipping and delivery 


  • Have to confirm if product is available wholesale before making a purchase

Known For

  • Replica Shoes
  • High Quality Replica Handbags
  • 1:1 Replica Designer Clothes

Fashion TIY

fashion tiy cheap replicas

FashionTIY is your one stop destination for high quality replica clothes and accessories. They are based in China and is one of the best online wholesalers sites when it comes to no minimum order quantity. All the products listed on their website have been sourced directly from local factories that they have signed up with and they ship worldwide. 

fashion tiy replica fake stuff

You can buy replica products from them in retail or wholesale and the reason why we liked this site is because of the affordable prices and the timely delivery including dropshipping options that are available to those buying in bulk.


  • High quality replicas available
  • Quite a large inventory
  • Dropshipping available


  • N/A

Known For

  • High Quality Replica Clothes
  • Replica Fashion Jewelry

amazon cheap items

First of all, let me just say that if the brand name says Amazon, trust and reliability just come along with it. This is little known, but Amazon UK is one of the biggest wholesale apparel sellers in the world. They have replica products from Rakuten. Additionally, you can also find a list of wholesale sellers, registered and verified by amazon itself. The best part about buying these replica apparel, though, lies in the fact that Amazon takes accountability for a transaction gone wrong.

amazon cheap stuff


  • Reputed website with hundreds of products to choose from
  • High quality replicas and genuine products are available
  • Site in completely secure and trustworthy
  • Wholesale options available


  • Prices may be slightly higher
  • Lack of china made goods

Known For

  • Replica Clothes
  • Affordable and Cheap Accessories


dolabuy replica stuff

Don’t let the name deceive you. They sell more than just Christian Louboutins. Although, I am obliged to say that a significant fraction of their wholesale replica shoe sale revolves around Christian Louboutins. You can find a whole range of replica and fake shoes in very style Peep toes, stilettos, pumps, daffodils, and what not. This export and import wholesale/retail website is based in Hong Kong but ships all over the world.


  • Only high quality branded replicas
  • Range of replica handbags are available
  • Well priced 1:1 replica designer shoes


  • Replica designer handbags are not as affordable as sites like AliExpress or DHgate

Known For

  • Designer Handbag Copies
  • Replica Designer Shoes
  • 1:1 Slipper Replicas

ioffer cheap items

The price on iOffer might not be cheap but they are definitely competitive and relatively easier on your wallet. You’ll find replica shoes that are a close finish to that of the original. In fact, you won’t be able to tell the difference. This wholesale and retail website has sold over 1 million products (and counting)!


  • High quality replica shoes
  • Prices are reasonable and competitive


  • Website is not straight up and is a bit difficult to navigate

Known For

  • Designer Replica Shoes
  • 1:1 Replica Sneakers

Wholesale Clearance

wholesale clearance replica stuff

Sadly, folks, this beauty is limited only to sale in the UK. Nonetheless, it is an excellent platform for newer and growing brands like Pacha and ChupaChups while also selling wholesale designer clothes of brands like Clavin Klein. Each purchase from this wholesaler comes with a guarantee, you can relax. 


  • All products are listed at clearance prices
  • Wholesale orders receive a big drop in the overall price
  • Loads of high quality replica clothes from designer brands


  • Restricted to the UK only
  • Does not permit retail purchases

Known For

  • Wholesale Replica Clothes
  • Designer Apparel and Accessories for Cheap

The risk involved in buying fake and counterfeit goods from online wholesale sellers.

There is no need to mention this, but the benefits of wholesale purchase of these fake and replica products are supremely profitable. You buy it at a cheaper price than you sell, earning quite the sum.

But this comes with a few risks and challenges:

  • First of all, in big bold letters, selling replica products, retail or wholesale, is illegal. You are violating the law as soon as you enter into a business model that sells ‘fake’ stuff that’s not authorized by the original seller, you are plagiarizing and can be faced with lawful action.
  • If found, your wholesale replica store will be closed. The form of punishment could also involve your now-closed wholesale business paying heavy fines to the government or the original brands.
  • If all that is not enough, you’ll be faced with regret, a heavy and guilt conscience, and the huge fines can put you into a financial lurch, leading to a downfall in your personal and business growth.

Here’s a checklist you can refer to while buying replica products from a wholesale seller online:

  • Make sure to stay in touch and communicate with the seller through online channels mentioned on their wholesale websites or landing pages.
  • Always confirm whether the fake products that the wholesale sellers are putting up are true replicas (including logo) or whether they are simply designer inspired (where the logo is missing). As in, ask them if the fake is also a fake.
  • As long as you’re chatting, ask for details about the shipping costs, the time it will take to ship, and also the various brand profiles that are included in their wholesale portfolio.

I hope this article helped you in finding what you need while also keeping you wary of the challenges that come along with making replica purchases from a wholesale seller.


Is it safe to buy replica goods from China?

Yes, most of the big brands have set up their factories in China because the raw materials cost is cheap and it’s easily available. Replica clothes sold in China use the same materials, but the cost of the workforce is low, hence the reduced prices. Many of the replica products such as shoes and clothes that are manufactured and sold in China are at times of better quality than even the original branded items.

Can I ship wholesale replica products internationally?

This solely depends on the import policies of your customs department and whether they restrict replicas or fake goods from entering the country. It’s advisable to check the customs rules before placing a wholesale or bulk order of replica products.

Is wholesale dropshipping a good idea when it comes to knock offs?

Yes, considering you have already pre-checked the quality of the goods and have determined that the seller is legitimate. Sites like Alibaba, AliExpress and even FashionTIY offer dropshipping to their customers. You can place the order on behalf of your customer and the seller will have the order shipped directly to the primary customer with you being the middleman.

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