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Check out Jordan Reps on Dhgate
Jordan Replica Sites |
Seller Links |
DHgate | Discount_brand_shoes |
Retro_OG_Sneaker | |
NY_Store | |
AliExpress | J to C Sneakers |
PK_Sneake Store | |
MNV Store | |
Supermen 2 Store |
Fake vs Real Air Jordans
Air Jordans are one of the most sought after sneakers in the world and it’s no surprise that there are thousands of fakes floating around.
Sites like Alibaba, AliExpress and DHgate are well known for selling fake Jordans and while many of them do a good job of imitating the original, some of the cheaper pairs look comical and won’t carry relevant branding or tags.
The Jordans on DHgate, for example, are some of the best copies I've come across and at first I was fooled, but upon closely inspecting the sneakers I knew that I had gotten a fake.
To help you find out if your Air Jordans are fake or real, I'm going to take the Jordan 1s and compare them against the fakes to show you what to look out for.
First things first, fake Air Jordans don’t cost more than $100 and some can cost as low as $15=$20 too, which is so not the case with original Jordans as they cost upwards of $100 and some limited edition pieces go for over $1000.

While examining the pairs of Jordans, start by looking at the wings logo. The artwork on fakes these days is spectacular and you will not be able to tell the difference simply by looking at it. Press down on the logo and if you notice that the logo has deeper grooves then the pair is original.

If checking the embossed logo is proving to be difficult, take a look at the stitching and pattern of the cut pieces. Authentic Jordans do not have any stitching guides or assembly guides that are noticeable but it will be visible with the naked eye on fake Jordans.

Another area of the sneakers to check carefully is the stitching on the heel strap. Fake Jordans will come with a single stitch at the top of the strap whereas real Jordans will have two stitches lined over the leather. Sometimes fake Jordans may have two stitches, but notice the shoddy workmanship.
While this is not an indication of low-quality work, it’s just one of the ways the originals stand out from the fakes.
Though there are many manufacturers who attempt to replicate all these details on the fake shoes, some are left overseen such as the Nike logo on the underside of the Jordans.

On fakes, the Nike logo will be thin and the bottom of the letter ‘K’ will merge with the swoosh. Authentic or genuine Jordans have a thicker font and the ‘K’ doesn’t touch the swoosh.
Other telltale signs that your Air Jordans are fake are;
The outsole logo on the fake Jordans will either have both, one or no trademark logo. Real Jordans have two trademark logos, one above E and one between the N and the swoosh and will be positioned differently.

The size tag inside the shoe is a woven label that has the Jumpman logo and is sewn on the inside of the tongue. Fakes have a similar tag, but the stitch work is messy and the top is welded or stuck to the tongue and not stitched.

Fake Jordans do not have a serial number located on the label and box. Some fakes will have a serial number, but will not resemble any known Nike serial number and can’t be authenticated.

The other sign that your Jordans are fake is the lace keeper. Real Jordans have a cutout in the fabric that acts as a lace keeper unlike fakes that have an extra piece of fabric sewn in place.
There are many ways to determine whether your Jordans are original or fake, but the easiest is to examine the jumpman logo and look at the proportion of the image, the placement of the hands, basketball and feet.

Since the Jordan logo is trademarked, manufacturers tend to make minor changes to the design which won’t be noticeable at first. But if you sit and stare at the logos of both Air Jordans, then it’s easy to find out which one’s fake and which is not.
Where to Buy Fake Jordans?
Discount_brand_shoes is an online wholesaler and retailer of high quality basketball shoes and running shoes. They offer top quality Jordan replica shoes at a fraction of the price and have a buyer satisfaction rating of 97.6%
Sneakers Seller
Another DHgate seller with a vast collection of Jordan replicas and other basketball shoes for those on a budget. This store has a rating of 98.7% and has sold over 40k pairs of shoes during their 6 years on DHgate.
This is a relatively new seller on DHgate that deals in high quality basketball shoes and other retro footwear. This seller has a store rating of 100% and the shoes are manufactured and sold by them, so you can contact them if you have any queries.
The NY_Store has been a supplier of shoes in the Chinese market for nearly 5 years. They have a wide variety of Air Jordan replicas available on a budget and their products are made from high quality materials which make them worth every cent. The NY_Store has a rating of 98.1% and has fulfilled over 50 thousand orders till date.
J to C Sneakers
J to C sneakers is an AliExpress seller that offers some of the highest discounts on Jordan replica shoes you can find. Their products are made in a local factory and are made from high-quality materials which make their shoes comfortable to wear. This seller has been running for over 3 years and has a 94.4% satisfaction rating from over 10k sales.
PK_Sneake Store
The PK Sneake store is a new seller on AliExpress with less than a year of experience. They have a bunch of Jordan replica shoes on sale starting at $40 and these shoes are made to resemble the real ones. PK Sneake has a rating of 100% and one of their most popular Jordan replica shoes is the Jumpman 4s replica.
MNV Store
MVN store deals in basketball shoes and running shoes for adults and kids. They have a strong following base with products listed with a minimum of 15% discount. The MNV store on AliExpress has been fulfilling orders for over 3 years but has a satisfaction rating of 89%.
Supermen 2 Store
The Supermen 2 Store is your one stop destination for all kinds of shoes whether they are for running, basketball or skateboarding. They specialize in Jordan replica shoes and have a rating of 2% with more than 500 sales. Their negative ratings were to do with shipping issues and not the quality of the shoes.
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The only issue with Air Jordans right now is the price. They are expensive and can make a dent in your wallet. The only alternative is Jordan Replicas. There are other names such as Air Jordan Fakes, Air Jordan Copy Shoes, 1:1 Air Jordans and Knockoff Air Jordan etc.
Today we cover some of the best Jordan replica sites with the best jordan reps available in the market that look great and come at a fraction of the cost.
Why should I buy Jordan replica shoes?
There are many reasons why you should consider buying a pair of replica Jordans, but the main reason is that they are affordable and won’t end up costing you much.
Another reason to consider buying a pair of replica Jordans is for the fact that the replicas are made from high-quality materials and the designs are an exact match to the original pair.
Also, you can pick up more than one pair of Jordan replica shoes because they are easily available.
Is it better to buy Jordan replica shoes from other 3rd party sellers?
In short, no. Third party sellers don’t mass produce Jordan replicas and are normally a riskier choice when compared to sites like AliExpress, DHgate, Amazon or even StockX. This is mainly because of the fact that third-party sellers don’t deal with exact replicas of Air Jordans and you will notice many differences in terms of design, comfort and price. It’s always best to stick to registered sellers of Air Jordan replica shoes like DHgate or AliExpress simply because they are trustworthy and you will get your money’s worth.
Where do you get the best Air Jordan replicas?
The Best Air Jordan replicas can be found on Dhgate and Aliexpress and we cover all the top sellers and the best websites that sell Air Jordan replica shoes.
The best Jordan replica sites are Aliexpress and DHgate. They specialize in replicas at a cheaper price without foregoing quality. The benefit of using Aliexpress and DHgate for Air jordan Replicas is the support and return and refund policy that isn't available on other third party replica sites. The availability of replicas are also another reason why aliexpress and DHgate are perfect for buying Jordan replicas.
Check out our
Buying Jordans from StockX vs Dhgate vs Aliexpress or a 3rd Party Reps Seller
StockX deals with original Jordans and are way too expensive
DHgate is THE best for Jordan replicas in terms of price, variety and quality and exactness. As they make huge quantities of shoes, they have got really good at the finer details, with the boxes
Aliexpress is the second best for Jordan replicas because of the price, variety, quality. But they lack the range
3rd Party Sellers are a risky option because there is no middleman to resolve any disputes and as they don't make shoes in scale, they don't have an exact replica with the finer details.
Air Jordan Jumpman 4s

The Air Jordan Jumpman 4s is the latest in the Jordan collection and an ideal pair to buy if you’re looking for something that is stylish and athletic at the same time. These shoes can be worn everyday and it comes with a breathable material that keeps your feet cool.
They look authentic but lack the Jordan logo on the tongue which is a dead giveaway that they’re replicas. Apart from that, the Jumpman 4s looks quite like the Retro replicas and are available in over 25 different colors. The most popular Jumpman 4s variants out there are the “What The” and the “White Cement”.
Nike Air Jordans Replica

Some of the best Air Jordan replicas are super affordable. You can buy many pieces of the same shoe and use different ones for different days of the week.
This Nike Air shoe has Air written on it in a neat format and looks pretty swanky. It has a rating of 4.3 and it’s available in numerous colours such as red, black, white, blue and more. These are some super affordable Air Jordan replicas. It’s available in many sizes that includes Asian and European Size.
Nike Air Jordan Whites Replica

These shoes are the same as the first listed shoe, but comes with a colour difference. These are completely black with the text Air embossed on the shoe. These are one of the best looking Air Jordan replicas you will come across.
They look super stylish and are perfect for playing basketball, running, walking, jogging or even as a casual wear. There are strong cushions at the base to reduce the impact that helps protect your knees.
If you are looking for a stylish Air Jordan replica without breaking the bank, then these are the perfect shoes for you. They have a rating of 4.6.
Nike Air Jordan Cushioning Replica

When you have a look at these shoes, you know they are a replica. The Jordan logo is a bit different, but they look great nevertheless. In terms of finish, quality, colour and design, these are right up there among the best Air Jordan replicas.
This shoe is characterized by a mesh material on top that makes it breathable and the base has these white dots on a black background that look like space. One of the more stylish shoes out there.
These are available in numerous colours. The stand outs are the multi-coloured shoes and the red & black combo. It has a rating of 5.
Nike Air Jordan 13 Replica Shoes

The replica of the Air Jordan 13, this shoe is a supercopy of the original. They are beautiful looking and have a distinct shape that hasn’t been seen before. The top of the shoe comes with a clean dot design with leather patches on the top and there is an inter mix of black and white on the base.
This is a super attractive shoe with some strong soles. They are also called the Black and White Panda sneakers that are perfect for Basketball or even for wearing casually. If you want some new kicks that are good looking, go for this one!
Nike Air Jordan 11 Laceup Replica Shoes

The Nike Air Jordan 11 Laceup replica is one of the best going around. It’s one of those shoes that immediately catches the attention of the wearer. The top has a netted finish with the lace up. The base is super strong rubber that has a shiny red finish.
This is one of the strongest shoes out there and that is an exact replica of the Air Jordan 11. It has a rating of 5 and it comes in numerous sizes. It has the Air Jordan logo on the side too, if you have an eye for those things.
Nike Jordan 1 / Off White Chicago Replica

The Nike Off White Chicago is one of the most recognized and iconic styles of Air Jordans. There are numerous replicas of this particular model. But the problem is the quality.
More often than not, the colours are off or the swoosh of the Nike is way off. We've dug through numerous resources to find out the right one and found this amazing piece on Dhgate that I purchased myself.
One smart thing these sellers do is, advertise the product as kids shoes, when in reality it's for adults. So check out the link below, pick out the size you want and get the best off white Chicago replica in the market.
Nike Air Breathable

One of my personal favourites is the Nike Air Breathable. These are some of the coolest looking kicks in the world. It has a pure black finish, with the text ‘Air’ written on top. The soles have a golden finish and the back of the soles are perfect for basketball and high intensity sport such as basketball as it has the extra cushioning and shock absorbers.
For $20, these are super affordable and they look great. The soles are also anti-skid.
Nike Air Jordan Retro Replica

If you are looking for some amazing casual kicks that have brilliant design and style, the next shoe on the list will help you out. These have black and white leopard prints and comes in colours such as black and white. These shoes are perfect for basketball, running and for casual use.
Jordan 3 Retro White Valour

The Jordan 3 Retro's has a distinctive style unlike the other Jordans. This was an exclusive shoe in the past that only a few college students from North Carolina had. But these replicas and originals are available for everyone.
It's predominantly white, with a distinctive elephant pattern and the valor organe, green, black details. $350 for the original, you can get it for $49.
Jordan 5 Fire Retro Replica

The Jordan 5 Fire Retro is a latest edition. It's a new age Jordan. It's an iconic design that was made for the 30th Anniversary. The replica has all the details including the fire shark teeth, the black midsoles. It comes on various other colours too!
Nike Air Jordan 11 Retro Replica
The Air Jordan 11 retro is eye-catching and one of the most stylish shoes in the market currently. The shoe top has net and provides breathability, the base is strong and the colours chosen really combine well with each other.
The shoe is comfortable and flexible and can be worn while playing basketball. Get this gorgeous pair of Nike replicas that look so real that it will trick you for the original one. It looks great when paired with casual clothing.