10 Top Adidas Copy Shoe Sellers Online | Verified and Trusted Adidas Reps Shoes and Sellers
Adidas is a global powerhouse in the sneaker world, but its prices can be steep.
If you're looking for affordable alternatives, Adidas replicas offer a budget-friendly solution.
I've researched and compiled a list of the best Adidas replica sellers from AliExpress and DHgate.
Whether you want Ultra Boosts, Yeezy knockoffs, or classic Stan Smith replicas, this guide will help you find high-quality Adidas reps at unbeatable prices.
Adidas Reps Stores
Adidas Replica Shoes | Link |
Adidas Yeeze Wave Runner | Link |
Adidas NEO Sneakers Replica for Men | Link |
Adidas NEO Sneakers Replica for Women | Link |
Adidas Superstar Replica Shoes | Link |
Adidas Stan Smith Replica | Link |
Adidas Continental 80 Replica | Link |
Adidas Galaxy Womens Replica | Link |
Adidas Nizza Replica Shoes | Link |
Adidas Kicks Replica | Link |
Adidas Tubular Shadow Replica | Link |
Adidas Ultra Boost Replica | Link |
Adidas Originals Replica | Link |
Adidas Skateboarding Sneakers Replica | Link |
Adidas Questar Drive | Link |
Here's a list of the best adidas reps stores.
Adidas Copy Shoes Price
How much does Fake Adidas shoes cost? Well it depends. But on average, a fake adidas shoe is about 20% the cost of the Original.
So if the original is $100, you'll get a rep shoe for around $20. Now most of the Adidas copy sneakers that people want is around the $200 range and the cost of those in the rep market is around $40.
I would say it's fine to go close to $70 for a $200 replica as you'll get close to the real one.
Where to buy Fake Ultra Boost?
The most in demand is adidas clones or adidas knock offs even the knock off Stan Smiths or the Fake Samba are quite popular. I would suggest the top rep sellers on Dhgate. Lone_Shoes, Different_shoes are some of the top adidas rep sellers where you get stuff like Towelie adidas reps.
Best Adidas Replica Trainers
Here are the actual products from Adidas Replica Aliexpress sellers that we have reviewed.

Adidas DHgate Replica Store - Ultra Boosts Store
Latest Update

Ultra Boosts Store is one of the biggest stores on Dhgate that sells Adidas replica shoes. They have a wide range of products with shoes starting at around $24 making it one of the cheapest replica shoes online!
Top Sport Store
The Top Sport Store on DHgate has more than hundred variety of Adidas replica shoes. They are one of the highly rated and are a top seller as well.
#1 - Sports 101 Store
Sports 101 Store is one of the premier Adidas sports shoe seller on Aliexpress. They have 250+ shoes in their store and have a rating of more than 93.8%. Adidas makes a wide range of casual shoes mixed with sports shoes and the best sellers in this store are
- Adidas Continental 80
- Adidas Superstar Originals
- Adidas Women’s Running Shoe Pharrell Williams
- Adidas NEO
- Adidas Alphabounce
- Adidas Swift

#2 - Best Sports Stores
Best Sports Stores is one of the oldest Adidas sellers on Aliexpress, they’ve been around for over 5 years and they boast a rating of 95.7%, which is one of the highest among sellers. Apart from selling, Adidas merchandise like caps and tees, these guys sell running shoes, skateboard shoes, basketball shoes and outside shoes.
Some of the best selling Adidas shoes on Best Sports Stores are
- Novelty 2018 Adidas
- Original Novelty 2019
- Original Novelty 2020
- Adidas NEO Questar

#3 - Top Sports Flagship Store
The Top Sports Flagship store is another store with a wide variety of offerings. It’s been open for more than 4 years and it has a rating of 93.7%. They offer more than 300+ styles of Adidas shoes that includes mostly skateboarding shoes. The top sellers are
- Original New Arrival Adidas All Court Tennis Shoes
- Adidas Originals ZX 700 Women’s
- Adidas Ultraboost Uncaged
- Adidas Originals Dragon

#4 - Hot Sports Store
The Hot Sports Store is arguably the best shoe seller on Aliexpress. Not only for Adidas but across brands such as Nike and Converse. The Wiwi store has a collection of 300+ shoes that are categorized into running shoes, skateboarding shoes and hiking shoes. This store is rated pretty high with a 94% rating and they’ve been around since 2018.
The best sellers in this store are
- Adidas Superstar Men and Women Skateboarding Shoes
- Adidas Original 917 Series
- Adidas NEO Skateboarding
- Adidas Ultraboost 4.0
- Adidas Original Prophere

#5 - Sneaker Park Store
Last but not the last is the Sneaker Park Store. This is a top brand and has a rating of 91.7%. They sell a wide range of shoes that include skateboarding, running and hiking shoes. Some of the best sellers on this store are
- Adidas Superstar Shamrock Shoes for Men
- Adidas Clover 917
- Adidas Ultraboost 19
- Adidas Clover Original
- Adidas Pharell Williams Special

#6 - VaporMax TN Store

The Vapormax TN Store has over 200+ shoes on their store. They sell Nike and Adidas shoes. They sell Adidas Original and Superstar shoes. They have a 97.5% positive feedback with 10,000+ transactions.
They have Adidas Yeezys that includes the wave runner which is the most popular Adidas shoe in this store.
#7 - Nike_store

Although this store is called the Nike_store. They have all the Yeezy models. They sell Yeezy Boost 350, Yeezy Boost 700 and Yeezy Wave runner. They have the Adidas flat sneakers and skateboarding sneakers as well.
This store has over 120+ shoes. They have a 97.9% rating and 13,500+ transactions.
#8 Olympic sports flagship store

The Olympic sports flagship store is great to find replica shoes with a wide range, particularly Adidas replicas. They have been selling online for more than 6 years now and have a good rating of 4.7 stars with good positive feedback of 94.1 per cent.
They have a good collection of Adidas replicas including the NEO collection and Adidas football studs.
Best sellers here are
Adidas Originals DROP STEP
Adidas NEO
Adidas Predator AG
#9 Solon sports store

With a big following this store has quickly made a good reputation for itself in just 2 years, with good ratings and 100 percent positive feedback it is one of the reliable ones. They have a wide range of replica Adidas shoes from the classic Adidas superstars to the Adidas Swift.
Everyone from skateboarders to sneaker lovers will find something.
They offer good flash deals and provide shipping to most places worldwide.
Best sellers here are
Adidas superstars
Adidas Ultra boost
Adidas all court tennis shoes
#10 Royal Retro store

Here you can find the latest running shoes and a lot more, they provide good customer service and have a high rating as well with 97.5 per cent positive reviews. They have been in the business for 4 years and offer a huge variety of shoes including Adidas replicas.
New releases can be found on their store under that section. They offer a variety of women’s shoes as well.
Best sellers here are
Adidas Ultra boost
Adidas ZX 100 Women’s shoes
Adidas Dragon
#11 X3 Sneaker store

With 4 years of selling experience and a good 94.2 per cent positive feedback rating they are a go to seller for all types of shoes, from Adidas replica running shoes to tennis shoes they have it all. They also have a wide selection of other brands like replica Nike basketball shoes and Converse sneakers.
Best sellers here are
Adidas Zx 730
Adidas Vanta V3
Adidas Continental 80
Buying Knockoff Adidas

What are the best Adidas shoes for walking?
The best Adidas shoes for walking is the Adidas Alhpabounce. This has the extra cushioning on the bottom that keeps your heel safe and protected. This is great for running as well. A lot of the casual Adidas shoes are great for style, but from a walking perspective the Alphabounce beats them all.
Which sneaker brand is the best?
There are a lot of sneaker brands in the world. Adidas makes seem pretty good and stylish sneakers. If you are looking for brand + style, then Adidas sneakers should be your choice.
What does NMD stand for Adidas?
NMD stands for Nomad. This is a sneaker style from Adidas that is quite popular. It’s a mix of the old school Adidas with new age styles.
What are the best Adidas shoes?
It’s hard to pick one, so I’ll go with a set of them.
- Adidas Clover is great for people who like casual sneakers
- Adidas Pharell Williams is the one to beat from a design perspective
- Adidas Alphabounce is perfect for
Guide to Buying Adidas Replica Shoes on Aliexpress

Here are a few things you need to look for
#1 Price of Adidas Replicas
Adidas Replicas are way cheaper than the originals. At least by 50%. So if you are getting an Adidas shoe for $50, then you are most likely getting a replica and not an original. So why are replicas priced at $50 and not at say $20? Although these are replicas, they are of super high quality. From the soles to the material used, these are solid shoes that happen to look like popular Adidas shoes. If you get a replica or $20 or $10, you need to be a bit careful. Paying 50% less is good, but paying 90% less is a problem.
#2 Logo of Adidas Replicas
There are two versions of Adidas Replicas that are sold online. Firstly you have the classic Adidas logo with the three stripes, then you have the Adidas logo in the lotus shape. Both are used by Replica shoe sellers to sell the product and this isn’t a sign of a bad replica. In some cases, the sellers don’t use any logos and use only stripes. This is also a valid replica.
# 3 Seller Rating
Always look out for the seller rating. This is a telltale sign if a seller is good and genuine or not. Why am I not talking about reviews? Reviews are obviously important, but sometimes the seller adds a new listing for a new replica shoe that doesn’t have any sale yet. In that case, the best way to see if the seller is genuine is to check their rating and also to check their track record for sales. Is it good enough or not?
How to identify fake Adidas?
There are a few ways by which you can identify fake Adidas from the original. This can be helpful in understanding if you are buying a genuine Adidas or not.
The Material Used
This is the first telltale sign. It’s hard to identify with a single look, but the material of an Adidas Replica shoe is different from the original one. This is obvious because the price you pay for a copy Adidas shoe in most cases is 50% less than the original. But this is a good way of identifying a fake Adidas shoe from a real one.
The Tongue with the Model Number
If you want the real proof, then the proof is in the tongue of the shoe. Underneath that you have the size of the shoe and other important information that includes the model number and make. In an original shoe, this number is genuine and you can search for it online to find out if its real or not. In a fake Adidas shoe, this number is made-up and you won’t be able to trace it back to any factory or any particular batch of shoes.
Color Options
This is an interesting thing which I find pretty cool to be honest. A lot of Adidas replica shoe makers add different colours to their shoes to make them look different and stand-out. Whereas the originals might not have this colour. This is pretty cool, because you’ll be wearing the most unique Adidas shoes in the planet that even original Adidas shoe buyers cannot enjoy.
Adidas Copy Shoes Wholesaler
If you are looking for find out about Adidas sellers who are wholesalers, then you are in the right place. It's a different ball game, when you are looking to buy one Adidas copy shoe and when you are looking to wholesale it.
#1 -- There are fewer Adidas copy wholesalers
Nike is the most popular along with Yeezys and Balenciaga when it comes to Sneaker replicas. When it comes to Adidas replicas, there are slightly lesser sellers because Adidas shoes aren't as popular as Nike shoes from a brand perspective. Adidas doesn't have an Air Jordans, for example. So it's harder to find.
#2 -- They are found on Aliexpress and Dhgate
The best place to find Adidas copy sellers for wholesale is to find the sellers who are selling these reps on Aliexpress and Dhgate. Here's a simple guide to help you select a seller.
- Reach out to the seller via the contact page (The good ones are super quick in responding)
- Ask them for image samples of the Adidas shoes you are looking for (If you are not happy with the quality of the replicas, don't engage)
- If you are happy with the replica images, ask them for a sample shoe and pay for it
- Test the shoe when you receive it and see if it has all the details that you need for a high quality replica.
- If you are happy, then order a larger order at a cheaper price.
- Chinese sellers are great and work seamlessly